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Fans Take Out Frustrations On Romo Jerseys

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - Cowboys owner and General Manager, Jerry Jones, made a promise to frustrated fans that changes are on the horizon.

"It's going to be very uncomfortable from my standpoint for the next few weeks and months at Valley Ranch," Jones said.

Jones seemed frustrated with the team when he made that statement. But after the last game, fans seem frustrated with one player in particular - Quarterback Tony Romo.

Neil Maddox was so mad at Romo, that he set fire to his Romo jersey right after the game Sunday.

On New Year's Eve, he still hadn't felt like he'd washed his hands clean of the Cowboys QB.

"Here we are. Every year. No playoff," he said.

So, he took another Romo jersey, draped it in front of an old washing machine that he filled with explosive material and fired a rifle at it.

It blew up.

"I just ain't no Romo fan no more," Maddox said.

There were others for whom Tony Romo had quickly become an old flame.

Before lighting his Romo jersey on fire, one fan said, "You've broken my heart for the last time."

He played the first few bars of Johnny's Cash's Ring of Fire as the jersey burned.

Some fans think there are others whose feet should be held to the fire.

Visiting Cowboys Stadium with his family, Jose Pallares said, "It's the team. It's not just one person."

For now, it's Romo who's taking the hit from fans who say they really do love the team.

Other fans are calling for a complete overhaul of the Cowboys, including Tony Romo, Jason Garrett and Jerry Jones.

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