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Cockrell Hill PD: Man Attempted To Abduct Two Young Girls

COCKRELL HILL (CBS 11 NEWS) - A brazen attempted abduction has a community in Cockrell Hill on alert.  Police say a man broke into a family's apartment early this morning and tried to lure away two young girls.  Neighbors say the girls are six and nine years old.

"Freaky. Scary, I mean, I don't know what to say."  A neighbor, Falcon Rivera,  has three children and says news of a suspect so bold is unnerving.

"I'm like freaking scared," says Rivera.  "I mean,  I wouldn't want that to happen to any of mine, I don't know what I would do, I don't know what I would do, I'd probably go crazy."

Just before 5:30 this morning, investigators say the suspect broke into the family's apartment through a bedroom window-- a window that was surrounded by a locked fence.  The girls were watching TV in the living room, when according to police, the man tried to convince the girls to leave with him.  But, one of them alerted her father, who chased the suspect before losing him in the parking lot.

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(credit: CBS 11 News)

Cockrell Hill Police released a statement saying the case is being investigated as a burglary of a habitation with intent to commit another felony.

"While there was physical contact between the suspect and the girls, the contact was not sexual," read the statement.  The girls were not harmed.

Neighbors, meanwhile, say they have been warned, and will be more wary.

"I'm going to keep an eye out, ya know, and if I see anything weird, I'm going to tell 'em something," says Rivera.

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