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Christian Talk Show Host Discusses GOP Candidates

IRVING (CBSDFW.COM) – There's no separation between church and state in Janet Mefferd's radio booth.

She isn't afraid to discuss religion or politics and her show seeks out points where the two collide.

"There's nothing off limits that we want to address from a Biblical prospective," said Mefferd whose show is syndicated in 180 markets on Christian talk radio stations.

Religion is on the table in the race for President, and the top Republicans make time for her show on days when mainstream reporters can't get a return call.

"I think they know their audience," said Mefferd, explaining how she attracts major candidates, "And they know who they want to get behind them.  And who's important as the base especially."

Speaking from her studio at the Salem Radio Network in Irving, Mefferd said she agrees with separating church and state.

But that doesn't mean that Christians can't be involved in politics or interested in politics," she said. "I think you have to be careful because you don't want to go around saying Jesus is a member of this party or that party. That's when it becomes really dangerous."

Mefferd's hosted a number of GOP candidates for President. The day after Herman Cain won the Iowa straw poll, he was a guest on her show. She said Rick Perry "all but announced" he would be running for President during an interview with Mefferd.

"He stopped just short," she said. "But it was right after that that he announced."

Some people have said Perry came close to saying he believes God sent him a message telling him he should run for President. The Irving resident said that's not far from the truth.

"I don't remember the exact phrasing of that but he did indicate that God was pushing him that direction along with his wife," she said. "Yes, I think that is close to what he said … I'm not a fan of the Lord told me too as a directive from on high."

The Lord didn't tell her to be a radio host, for instance.

Mitt Romney is the only major Republican candidate who hasn't agreed to an interview yet. Mefferd has done shows focusing on the differences between Mormon beliefs and evangelical Christianity, but she thinks that's not the only reason Governor Romney has never agreed to an interview.

"I would also say Mitt Romney is a big government liberal," said Mefferd.  "He's done some flip flopping and proclaims his conservative credentials but when I talk to Christian conservatives, they're not buying it."

Mefferd says there are many other issues that are important to her Christian audience including the defense of marriage and the economy.

"In any election it's all about turnout, I think you're going to have a huge Christian evangelical turnout in this election," she said.

And Janet Mefferd hopes her audience keeps listening religiously.

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