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Choppy: A Letter To Tony Romo Fans

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Dear Romo fans,

You are ruining this season for us.

Your inability to even accept the possibility that our beloved former starting Quarterback is not going to waltz back in and pick up like its 2014 all over again blows my mind.

You folks realize that its infinitely more likely that he's closer to a broke down Carson Palmer right now than he is to 2014 Romo, right? I swear I'm living in some Bizarro World where Tony's good parts have become glorified superhuman strengths only bestowed on Zeus and Hercules.

Just admit it. You are not Cowboys fans. You're Romo fans. And that's fine, but let the world know now so we can separate you from the real Cowboys fans.

The fans that want this team to win, not win with this romanticized crap that #9 is 27 and still on top his game, but win...want Dak.

Its that simple. He has played all year, he leads the NFL in the 2 most important Statistical Categories (DVOA & QBR), and he has done something Romo never 11 straight.

You REALLY want to take a guy who has barely played in 2 years, and throw him into the rear-end of a season that could be the magical ride to the title?

You REALLY want to risk mentally destroying a 23 year old kid by benching him right after an 11 game win streak. I mean he'll be thinking for the rest of his career, "they benched me after winning 11 straight, what happens when I throw 5 picks?"

The Cowboys "Fans" who want Romo to be brought back in are a scar on this franchise. They are message board clowns. They think what Martin Shkreli does is just good business. They drive 75 in the snow, and they have a problem with Mike Trout winning the MVP this year.

You are ruining this run for us. Trying to hijack a season for your own happiness.

You want to bench a guy who had a QB Rating over 100 for 10 of 11 weeks?

Be my guest.

You want to bench a guy who leads the NFL in QBR, DVOA and 3rd in DYAR?

Knock yourself out.

But you aren't a fan of the Cowboys. You're a fan of Tony Romo.

And we thank you for showing your true colors.

RJ Choppy is a co-host of The Shan & RJ Morning Show, heard weekdays 5:30am - 10:00am on 105.3 The Fan. Follow him on Twitter @rjchoppy

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