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Celebrate the Fourth of July safely with these tips

NORTH TEXAS ( - MedStar and Red Cross are sharing safety tips for Fourth of July festivities. In 2022, MedStar says its crews treated one patient with firework-related injuries, one drowning victim and 36 motor vehicle crashes on Independence Day. Here are recommendations, according to a press release, on how to make sure you and your friends and family stay safe throughout holiday celebrations this year.


Red Cross says you should always follow the instructions on the packaging of fireworks and store them in a cool, dry place. If you're the one lighting the fireworks, it says to only light one firework at a time, always wear eye protection and if there's "a dud," don't try to relight it. RedCross also suggests keeping water close by as a precaution. It says you should never give fireworks to children and never throw or point a firework at people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials. 

National Fire Protection Association infographic on safety tips when it comes to fireworks. National Fire Protection Association


MedStar says July is one of the peak months for grilling fires. To avoid any injuries or accidents, start by never grilling indoors, in a garage, or in any other enclosed area. You should always check the hoses for cracks, holes and leaks, as gas leaks, along with blocked tubes and propane tanks, can cause fires and explosions. Medstar recommends keeping at least two feet of space between a grill and a deck, siding, branches, or any outdoor equipment that could catch fire quickly.

Airforce Safety Center shares tips on avoiding accidents when grilling or around fireworks during Independence Day. Airforce Safety Center

Water activities

Plenty of North Texans have been trying to beat the heat with water activities. MedStar is urging the community to set water safety rules for your family, keep a first aid kit near the pool and to always keep your pool completely enclosed with a fence to restrict access. As for boating, MedStar says to review safe boating practices, always make sure there are enough life preservers for every passenger, and never consume alcohol while driving a boat.

Holiday boating safety 01:29
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