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Dueling Bobcats Caught On Video In Carrollton

CARROLLTON (CBSDFW.COM) - A neighborhood in Carrollton is on edge after two bobcats were caught on video nearly fighting. The amateur video, posted online to YouTube, shows the wild cats in a stare-down before they simply walk in separate ways. Homeowners in The Highlands area have seen bobcats and coyotes before, but rarely has anyone been so close to the wild animals.

Urban Bobcats by Kevin martuscello on YouTube

Kevin Martuscello used his smartphone to shoot the video from the safety of a car. His father, Mike Martuscello, actually saw the wild cats first, near his front yard on Highlands Creek Road. They were both surprised by the size of the animals. Before the camera was rolling, Mike witnessed the two cats fighting. "They got in a physical fight with each other over there," said the elder Martuscello. "They were clawing and scratching, biting at each other, jumping up and down in the air. It was a wild scene."

"Literally, it was a real cat fight," Mike Martuscello added.

When asked if he was afraid of encountering the bobcats, Mike Martuscello explained, "I was when I first saw them, when I was by myself, because I had never been that close to bobcats before. I really didn't know what the reaction was going to be. To see them this close, it was kind of scary at first. But they were so preoccupied with each other that they ignored us pretty much."

Austin York Reports

Other homeowners have seen bobcats and coyotes in the area before. Stan Firebaugh lives next to a creek that runs through the neighborhood, and he recently took photographs of two coyotes in a neighbor's yard.

Jenny Garoutte also lives in the neighborhood, and said that the homeowner's association has warned that this is mating season for the animals. She is concerned about smaller animals in the area, particularly pets. Wildlife experts at Cornell University called bobcats "opportunistic predators" that feed on poultry, housecats, small dogs and exotic birds.

Residents have been asked to keep pets and children indoors if possible, and call Animal Control if you spot one of the bobcats roaming near homes. Animal Control officials in Carrollton said that there have been no reports of injuries to either pets or people, but it is still a good idea to keep a safe distance from the wild animals.

Community leaders said that they will set out traps for the cats next to the nearby creek.

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