Carrollton Woman Cuts Trip Short After Boarding Facility Lost Dog
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CARROLLTON (CBS 11 NEWS) - A local woman makes a mad dash home from Europe when she discovers a boarding facility lost her dog. Now a desperate search is on to find the beloved pet before it's too late.
Signs for Josie are up all over the community hoping someone will find her and her owner has set up a Facebook page to help with the search efforts. She was last seen running towards Sam Houston Trail Park on Tuesday, but she hasn't been seen since.
"My dog's like my child. She is my child. It's just devastating," Sandra Liu said.
As soon as Sandra Liu found out her dog Josie ran away from the All Dogs Unleashed training facility, she cancelled plans to attend a friend's wedding and cut her trip to Europe short. Fresh off a plane, she hopped into a kayak to patrol the remote area near where Josie disappeared.
"I'm definitely trying to keep hope. It's actually so difficult. I haven't slept since Tuesday," Liu said.
Employees of the company that lost Josie posted flyers and searched for the dog. Liu says she doesn't blame the company, but not everyone agrees. Sophia Guyton was part of the search team.
"I mean if you specialize in training a dog, you should know that you shouldn't be training a dog in the front yard of a busy highway," Guyton said.
Representatives of All Dogs Unleashed declined to talk on camera, but explained that in the process of training outside the building, Josie tried to attack a smaller dog, then bit through her own leash, and took off running. As part of their standard practice, a co-owner of the company says the dog's collar was removed and replaced with a training collar, but Josie is microchipped. She hasn't been seen since Tuesday, but Guyton says they've recently found what they believe to be fresh paw prints in a remote area.
"We know that she's been in that area because we've seen them, and then they kind of trail off to the water, and then we see them show up again," Guyton said.
Liu hopes the public will help with the search. She plans to keep going throughout the holiday weekend.
"We are going to be relentless. We're not going to stop looking," Liu said.
One priority is to find Josie before any 4th of July fireworks celebrations because Liu says she's afraid of loud noises.
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