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Carrollton Junior Earns Perfect SAT Score

CARROLLTON (CBS 11 NEWS) - Matthew Estrada-Millican loves playing in the high school band. As a student at Creekview High School, he can be seen strolling the halls in his letterman's jacket, decorated with honor badges and patches symbolizing excellence.

But the highest honor earned by the 17 year old is worn not on a sleeve. Estrada-Millican carries the distinction of earning a perfect score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, better known as the SAT.

In his first try, Matthew hit perfect 800 scores in reading, writing and math. The overall score of 2400 is an academic rarity. Less than one percent of all students who take the SAT earn a perfect score.

"I really didn't know what to think. I honestly wasn't expecting it," Estrada-Millican said from his English AP class today.

The 11th grader admits to being successful in school.

"A lot of us know that he's super genius," classmate Rachel Havert teased with a smile.

Last year, the state of Texas reported 25 students scoring a perfect 2400 on the SAT.

Matthew says although he works hard in all subject matter, he does have interests outside of earning the highest marks in college readiness testing.

His secret to success is a formula any student can put together. "It comes from your own effort, regardless of background. I feel lucky to have a sold (family) background, but ultimately, it's the effort you put into it."

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