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Careers In Criminal Justice Show Growth In North Texas

Career options in law enforcement are growing in Texas; law enforcement includes probation officers and correctional treatment specialists. According to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for these positions is $48,190 per year. Given that these numbers are reflective of those with a bachelor's degree, it is clear that those who have received a master's degree or doctorate are compensated at a higher rate.

As more people move to the North Texas region, the need for law enforcement police officers, probation officers, correctional treatment specialists and juvenile supervision officers and counseling case workers will continue to grow.

Amanda Edirimanasinghe earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and immediately found a job as a juvenile supervision officer in Dallas County. A long commute of 100 miles a day had her seeking a position closer to where she lived, through networking she found a position in Tarrant County as an adult probation officer.

"It is my job to protect the public and I work with the public to reduce the recidivism rate. We are surrounded by probation officers. I like making it a safe environment for the residents of the county," said Edirimanasinghe, who decided that she wanted to reach a goal of having a master's degree. She is currently enrolled at Texas Christian University seeking a master's degree in criminal justice.

Severina Ware recently was hired as a police research specialist for the Dallas Police Department. She accesses and analyzes criminal suspect and offenses information, prepares special crime reports, graphics and statistical data to help keep the city safe. She earned a master's of applied criminology completely online from Texas A&M University – Commerce. "If I could share any advice it would be to make sure that you are studying a subject that you are invested in. After researching different schools and narrowing down what subject matter meant the most to my continued career path, this was the best investment for my personal and professional growth," said Ware.

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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