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Can The World Cup Soccer Craze Stick Around?

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - There is no denying that the World Cup 2014 is causing excitement over the sport all throughout the country, but in the U.S. soccer still takes a back seat to other sports like football and baseball. However, fans and soccer players alike are hoping to use this latest wave of World Cup fever to attract some lifelong soccer aficionados.

SMU Soccer player, Stanton Garcia said, "I have to have faith in that you know?" He added, "Once people realize how fun it is and how good you can make the sport, I think people will catch on."

>>CLICK HERE: 7 World Cup Questions You've Always Wanted To Ask<<

According to players at SMU, soccer in the U.S. is gaining more tracts through funding and interest. They say it still has a long way to go, but as Kaleb Underwood said ,"soccer is changing, times are changing."

Although the sport may be gaining ground with some, others in this country still don't offer the game the respect it's fans want. For example conservative talking head Ann Coulture recently issued a column statement where she said, "any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's morale decay."

For now, the World Cup is here and the excitement is real. You can see it and feel it at almost any bar around town during a World Cup game. The soccer community is hoping those fans stick around well after the World Cup is over.

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