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Can Romo Move Cowboys Forward In 2012?

DALLAS (BLEACHER REPORT.COM) - The last four Super Bowls played have featured seven quarterbacks consisting of Ben Roethlisberger, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Peyton Manning and Kurt Warner.

Anyone notice who's missing from that list?  Everyone all together's Tony Romo!

With the exception of Kurt Warner, who's now retired, and Peyton Manning, who is recovering from a complicated and complex neck injury, you are basically looking at the elite group of quarterbacks in the NFL.

Some may argue otherwise and have their own ranking system, but it's hard to argue the point.  While each of those players is uniquely talented in his own way and has traveled different paths to NFL greatness, they share a few common characteristics.

Although the first and obvious one is that they all have at least one title to their credit, the second and most significant are the steps they took to achieve that greatness.

I believe that Romo has taken more than a few major steps forward since Bill Parcells helped launch his career back in 2006.

In fact, if you go by statistics, he had the fourth-highest quarterback rating in 2011 behind Rodgers, Brees and Brady, and threw for over 4,000 yards, had 31 touchdowns and nine interceptions as well.

What sticks out in people's minds is the 9-17 record during December and January.  Does that mean he's not talented enough to win those big games?  That would be a resounding no.

But when it comes to Romo, there is always a debate about where he ranks, what his game is lacking and the fact he hasn't taken another step forward.  I will now give you three ways he can take that significant step and end all debates.

Read more on the 3 key ways Tony Romo can move the Dallas Cowboys forward in 2012 - from Bleacher Report

(Copyright 2012 by Bleacher . All Rights Reserved.)

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