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CAIR Calls Texas AG's Objection To Muslim Prayer Room A 'Cheap Islamophobic Publicity Stunt'

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AUSTIN (CBSDFW.COM) - The Texas office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations condemned state Attorney General Ken Paxton's objection to the use of a spare classroom in Frisco ISD by Muslim students to perform daily prayers.

CAIR-Texas called Paxton's objection a "cheap Islamophobic publicity stunt."

Paxton's office send Frisco ISD a letter Friday that expressed concerns about a classroom at Liberty High School being used by Muslim students for prayer and whether it excluded students of other religions.

Frisco ISD responded to the Paxton's claim by saying the prayer room was available to all students of school.

In Frisco ISD's response, school officials claimed Paxton's press release on the matter appears to be a publicity student by the office to politicize a "non-issue."

CAIR-Texas said in a statement:

"It is unfortunate that our state's top law enforcement officer would engage in a cheap Islamophobic publicity stunt that could very well result in increased bullying of Muslim students and the creation of a hostile learning environment. Attorney General Ken Paxton's office appears to have made its ill-informed statements without first contacting school officials. That apparent lack of interest in the facts of this case would seem to confirm suspicions that the 'concerns' about Muslim prayers have less to do with religious neutrality, and more to do with exploiting growing Islamophobia in our state and nationwide."

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