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Burleson Church Produces R-Rated Movie

My Son - Official Movie Trailer (2013) by RettaVisionMP on YouTube

BURLESON (CBSDFW.COM) -- Retta Baptist Church in Burleson is now in the movie business.

The church has produced a movie called "My Son," which received an "R" rating for violence and drugs.

Pastor Chuck Kitchens says he hopes people look past the rating -- and see the message.

"We're hoping to reach people that wouldn't normally go to a Christian movie," said Pastor Kitchens. "Maybe they will look at this and say, 'it can't be too churchy because it is R-rated.'"

The movie is about a couple who loses custody of their little boy and takes drastic measures to restore their struggling family -- with the help from an erratic friend.

The film was largely filmed in private homes, churches and local businesses in Alvarado, Mansfield and River Oaks by a crew of more than 40 volunteers.

The movie opens Thursday night at Burleson's Premiere Cinema. For tickets and other information, visit

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