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Breastfeeding Moms Stage 'Nurse-In' At Target Stores

Target Nurse-In
A group of breastfeeding mothers stage a 'nurse-in' at a Target store in Plano, protesting the company's treatment of nursing moms. (credit: Katie Kabage)

PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) - Moms across the nation, including here in North Texas, are taking a stand on Wednesday with a breastfeeding sit-in at area Target stores. The women are protesting the treatment of a Houston mother who said that Target employees made her feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in their store.

"Nursing is normal, healthy and it's good for babies and moms," said Katie Kabage, one of the mothers on a mission. She breastfeeds her 7-month-old daughter and wants others to know that it is her right to do so – even in public.

"I think our culture doesn't make it too easy," Kabage said.

One group of moms gathered at a Target store in Plano to stage their nurse-in and inform others about the treatment of a Houston-area mother who was breastfeeding her son in a Target store last month. That mother said that employees asked her to use a fitting room, and suggested that she could be cited for indecent exposure.

"Feeding your baby is nothing to be ashamed of," said nursing mother Angela Jackson. "I feel like asking someone to move to feed their baby is basically segregation."

Target did issue a statement that said, "Target has a long-standing corporate policy that supports breastfeeding in our stores. … Guests who choose to breastfeed in public areas of the store are welcome to do so without being made to feel uncomfortable."

The mothers in Plano said that Target should have done a better job of training their store employees and making them aware of the corporate policies. "I read that statement from Target and I felt it was a little insincere," said Jackson.

The nursing moms hope that Wednesday's protest sends a message – that breastfeeding should be more accepted, in Target and anywhere else. "We're in a society today where you can walk by Victoria's Secret and not even blink," said Courtney Simon. "But when a mom is taking care of her baby, everyone is staring and gawking and making her feel uncomfortable."

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