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Brazilian Expats Come Together For World Cup Excitement

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - The world's premier soccer event, held every four years, the FIFA World Cup is underway in Brazil.

Brazilian natives now living in North Texas flocked to a Brazilian-themed restaurant in Richardson -- the Blue Charcoal -- to watch the event with fellow expats.

"It's kind of sad because we are not there," said Regiane Sanford of Sao Paulo. "But like I say we have a large community so it feels like the energy we have there."

Sanford organizes a lot of events for the Brazilian community in North Texas, which she estimates at about 20,000. As the opening ceremony got underway she said, "I'm already anxious and stressed out, because we wanted to see what's going on and that's very emotional."

"The Brazilian soccer team represents a little bit of what we come from, something for our culture, this is very strong for us," explained Luciana Powell of Recife-Pernam-Buco.

Powell watched the soccer game while dressed in Brazil's national colors of yellow and green. She had yellow and green face paint as well, sported a yellow and green tiara and for celebrations had a yellow and green umbrella.

"We play and we jump and you dance with the umbrella," she explained, "so I have the umbrella today it means I represent my country."

Samba instructor Beto Araujo, of Sao Paulo, offered his take on Brazil's place in the World Cup world. "We're excited about the events, we do well…. we should do well, I think."

Araujo's tablemate, Gisele Owens of Rio De Janeiro, was visibly upbeat before the game started. "The heart's going to be pounding, the sweat; it's going to be crazy." But she was wistful, thinking about home and not being able to share the moment with family. "It's tough, but I think we're doing a pretty good job here celebrating, because we're all together and living this great moment. I think it's worth it."

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