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Boy Scouts To Review Internal Files On Abuse Allegations

Boy Scouts
Members of the Boy Scouts salute during a flag raising. (credit: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

(CBS News) - The Irving-based Boy Scouts of America has announced that it is launching a review of files the organization compiled over more than four decades on suspected child sex abusers to ensure all accusations of abuse have been reported to law enforcement.

In an open letter to the Scouting community posted on the Boy Scouts' website, the group's leaders also released the findings of an independent review of the documents, known as the ineligible volunteer files, or IV files. The documents list individuals who are unfit for membership.

The letter comes in the wake of a September 16 report by the Los Angeles Times alleging the Boy Scouts failed to report hundreds of suspected child sex abusers to authorities and helped cover up some accusations.

The newspaper reviewed 1,600 files dating from 1970 to 1991 and reported that in approximately 400 cases, there was no record of the Boy Scouts reporting suspected abuse to law enforcement officials after parents, boys and staff members notified Scout leaders.

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