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Bloody History

You've probably heard about the recently released film "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter."  The actor staring in that movie, Benjamin Walker, recently played a role in another somewhat controversial show entitled "Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson".  A production of Michael Friedman and Alex Timbers' musical is now playing in Dallas.

Theatre Three is the first theater in Dallas to mount the political Broadway rock musical about the United State's 7th President.  "Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" follows the founder of the Democratic Party as he worked his way from the frontier to the White House.  However,  "Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" ) is not the sleepy documentary-type historical re-telling of key historical events.  It is loud and lewd - raucous and irreverent. You probably don't want to take your kids.

Cameron Cobb, the Dallas actor playing the lead role in Theatre Three's production, looks nothing like Andrew Jackson.  He is a spike-haired rock star with black fingernails, who kicks off the show with the line, "I'm wearing some tight, tight jeans and tonight we're delving into some serious, serious s***.  I'm Andrew Jackson.  I'm your President.  Let's go."

I spoke with Cobb and Director Bruce R. Coleman in this story for KRLD.


"Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" does indeed delve into some serious stuff.  It looks at our tendency to treat politicians as celebrities.  It highlights our desire to have issues presented to us in easily digestible pieces. It lets the audience feel the power of a political rally and being swept up in the words of a candidate who seems to be speaking directly to you.  Then, it asks the question is a policy "right" just because everyone wants it?

We are living in confusing times in 2012.  The reminds us about the equally complicated times people were living in as the United States expanded and the people doing that expanding started demanding governmental representation.  "Old Hickory" was their man.  One of the harsh results was the Trail of Tears.

"Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" runs through July 7th at Theatre Three in Uptown Dallas, with a special performance on July 4th.  Theatre Three has partnered up with Rock the Vote, which has provided an online voter registration application.

(© Copyright 2012 CBSDFW.COM, CBS Local a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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