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Black Lives Matter In Utah Grieves Killings Of Civilians, Police

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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Protesters who support the Black Lives Matter movement rallied in Salt Lake City, with some saying they grieved both the losses of the black men in Louisiana and Minnesota and fallen Dallas police officers.

"The answer to guns is not more guns," said Deyvid Morales, who directed the protest on Saturday, told the Salt Lake Tribune. "The answer to stop this violence is to peacefully talk things out, to come together as a community. ... We just want peace."

Two black women and one Latina spoke at the rally, expressing fear for loved ones and themselves in dealings with police.

"It's terrifying to be the mother of a black child," Jessica Lee said. "Speaking from personal experience, it is terrifying to know that next year my son is going to be out driving, so I constantly have to grill him on things — what to say, what not to say."

The protesters included Carl Moore of Orem. He did a dance in traditional Native American clothing. The dance was a tribute to the human race, he said.

"When I see this 'All Lives Matter,' what it does is it dilutes the situation," Moore said. "What we're doing right now is Black Lives Matter."

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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