Birdwatchers worry about high winds with newly hatched bald eagles at White Rock Lake
Strong winds have caused problems in the past for the beloved bald eagles at White Rock Lake. Again, there's concern.
Over the years, the bald eagles of White Rock Lake have captivated the community.
"Their names are Nick and Nora and they're special to this area because eagles usually don't choose a nest in the city," birdwatcher Mitzi Cecil said.
City and state conservation and wildlife officials installed a fence to protect them. It keeps the public at least 300 yards away from their nest.
Cecil said the past few days have been especially exciting because it appears their eggs have hatched.
"We've had a few sightings," she said. "They're saying maybe two, two babies."
She said with all the wind we've had, everyone is watching the nest closely, hoping it remains in place.
"You know a big wind could try and blow the eaglets off of it, but they have been up there, guarding it a lot," birdwatcher Tanya Everett said.
"I've been so worried," Cecil said. "They've lost several nests due to high winds in the past."
Last year, high winds knocked two nine-week-old eaglets out of their nest. Only one was recovered.
"So it is very important that everything is okay," Cecil said.
With more wind in the forecast, everyone is just hoping for the best.