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Bing To Duel Google With Facebook-Friendly Format

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Microsoft's Bing search engine is heading in a new direction as it drills deeper into Facebook's social network and Twitter's messaging service to showcase information unlikely to be found on Google.

The changes unveiled Thursday will reshape how Bing displays its search results. It represents Microsoft Corp.'s most dramatic shift in Internet search since the software maker introduced Bing as a "decision engine" nearly three years ago.

Bing isn't switching to the different approach until next month. Anyone seeking a peek during the next few weeks of testing can go to the new website beginning Tuesday.

The revised system presents Bing's results in three panes. The change will be in a right-hand column called "Sidebar. It will feature recommendations culled from users' Facebook networks and relevant tweets from Twitter.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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