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Best Tailors In North Texas

In a perfect world that perfect dress or perfect suit would fit perfectly right off the rack. Unfortunately, though, our world is lacking in the perfection department. Enter tailors. Equipped with a steady hand and nimble fingers, tailors the world over magically transform that which fits funny into that which fits perfectly. Problem solved with the best tailors in North Texas.

Tailoring By Rios
6717 Calmont Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76116
(817) 732-5235

Hours: Tues to Fri – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Eduardo Rios of Tailoring By Rios loves working with brides and bridal parties. A self-proclaimed "frustrated designer," he revels in the beauty and intricacy of formal gowns. While bridal alterations have always been a service offered by the 32-year-old family-owned company, Rios has become the go-to guy for wedding parties in Fort Worth more than the past decade. Highly recommended by both designer boutiques and the newly-nuptialed, Tailoring By Rios was also voted "Best Tailor" by Fort Worth Magazine in 2009 and 2010. Although he does fabulous work on formals, Eduardo can also help with anything from hemming jeans to custom menswear.

Related: Best Bridal Shops in DFW

Lee's Cleaning & Alterations
6652 Azle Ave
Fort Worth, Texas 76135
(817) 237-0074

Hours: Mon to Fri – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lee's Cleaning & Alterations in Fort Worth is a well-rounded facility offering laundry service, dry cleaning and alterations. No job is too small or too large for this business and its happy customers concur. They entrust Lee (a former seamstress for a clothing company) with everything from minor stains to wedding gowns to complete alterations. The budget-minded individual will especially appreciate the bill from Lee – basic alterations start at just $1.00.

Related: Best Bargain Hunting in DFW

R.W. Furr Clothiers
5217 West Lovers Lane
Dallas, TX 75209
(214) 357-2545

Hours: Call to schedule an appointment

The Dallas man who appreciates the finer things in life undoubtedly appreciates a fine-fitting suit. Rex Furr of R.W. Furr Clothiers, one of the friendliest, most helpful and knowledgeable entrepreneurs in Dallas, can provide these men with just that in the form of his custom-made suits. From the fitting to fabric selection, every aspect of a suit from R.W. Furr Clothiers is, in fact, tailor-made for the individual. First time clients should call to schedule an appointment and allow one hour for an initial fitting and three to four weeks for the entire process.

Harry's Tailor Shop
13410 Preston Rd.
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 387-1837

Hours: Mon to Fri - 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Harry Papas of Harry's Tailor Shop can do it all but a unique specialty of Harry's is wardrobe reshaping. Whether you're shedding post-pregnancy weight or holiday excess, this North Dallas tailor can reshape the occasional favorite item or your entire wardrobe. Established in 1985, the seasoned staff understands fashion and clothing so they know what makes a flattering fit. They're also hailed for communicating with their clients and listening to what they have to say, so you're sure to be happy with your results.

J's Tailor & Cleaners
6050 Sherry Lane
Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 739-4567

Hours: Mon to Fri – 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

J's Tailor & Cleaners is a prime choice for the Dallas professional due to its convenient Park Cities location, extended hours and environment-friendly attitude. With longer hours than your typical tailor, J's Tailor & Cleaners is available twelve hours a day during the week and ten hours on Saturday. An added bonus is their strict adherence to organic-only dry cleaning fluids; now you don't have to worry about the negative effects of having such a clean, soft wardrobe.

Native Fort Worthian Ashley Balcazar adores her hometown but also feels quite at home in North Dallas where the fashion-minded flourish. She believes in cultivating individualism and self-expression through style. Dallas supports that philosophy by accommodating her every image whim, from Northpark label-lover to creative non-conformist. Her work can be found at
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