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Behind The Song ACM Awards Edition: Cam 'Burning House'

By Brian Ives,

One of the new names at the ACMs this year is Cam, the singer/songwriter who recently burst onto the country music scene with her song "Burning House."

She began writing the song on a trip to Nepal, as she recently told "I went through a volunteer organization,” she noted. “There was a lot that that trip did for me. Meeting people who have a lot less than we do in America, and who are super busy with the regular tasks that we have machines do for us: their whole day could be just cooking and doing laundry.  And yet they’re just so happy."

Cam's 'Burning House' - Behind the Song by Audacy Originals on YouTube

But it wasn't the people in Nepal who influenced the song; rather, it was a rather harsh breakup.

“When I was on that trip, my boyfriend at the time was supposed to come meet me, and we were going to do some traveling. The day before he was supposed to come, I told him, ‘If you come, we’re just going to be friends.’ And I told him over email. And it wasn’t very nice. And that was the breakup that I felt so bad about, that I had that dream about a burning house. That’s a very embarrassing story because it was a very hurtful thing to do.”

Cam - Burning House by CamVEVO on YouTube

However it resulted in a pretty big hit: it's nominated for Single Record of the Year and Video of the Year. See if it wins this weekend on the ACMs, airing on CBS Sunday night April 3 at 8 pm ET .

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