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"Bazinga" Catchphrase Inspires New Bee Name

The Big Bang Theory - Jim Parsons - Sheldon Cooper
Jim Parsons plays Sheldon Cooper on the CBS sitcom "The Big Bang Theory." (credit: CBS)

NEW YORK (CBS NEWS) - Bazinga! "The Big Bang Theory" character, scientist Sheldon Cooper, already has two Ph.Ds and an IQ of 187. But now he also has a bee dedicated to him.

A new species of the Brazilian orchid bee -- dubbed Euglossa bazinga -- has been named after Dr. Cooper's catchphrase "bazinga."

On the CBS TV series, Cooper, played by actor Jim Parsons, uses the word after he pulls a trick on someone. Brazilian biologist Andre Nemesio from the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia recently discovered a new bee species that he thinks fits the "bazinga" bill. Because the new species so closely resembles the Euglossa ignita, a more common Western Brazilian orchid bee, it wasn't recognized as a separate species -- therefore it "tricked" scientists for years.

Steven Molaro, one of executive producers on "The Big Bang Theory," said, "We are always extremely flattered when the science community embraces our show. Sheldon would be honored to know that Euglossa bazinga was inspired by him. In fact, after 'Mothra' and griffins, bees are his third-favorite flying creatures."

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