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Barbara Bush Unhappy With 2012 GOP Campaign

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) –  At a conference at SMU featuring former First Ladies Monday, Barbara Bush said she was very unhappy with the 2012 campaign and the lack of civility in political debate.

Mrs. Bush said, "I just hate it. I hate the fact that people think compromise is a dirty word. It is not a dirty word."

Her daughter-in-law, Laura Bush agreed, and remembered the sharp political attacks her husband, Former President George W. Bush received during his eight years in office.

"Obviously, when George was being criticized a lot, I thought things were worse than ever. But then we went to the Lincoln Library in Springfield, Illinois, and we saw those terrible cartoons about Lincoln, and you realize it's just part of American politics," she said.

Their comments come on the eve of the all-important Super Tuesday Republican Primary.

During this campaign year, the Republican candidates have all beaten each other up politically during the debates.

But at a recent conference on education reform in Dallas, another member of the Bush family, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush disagreed the negative campaigning would hurt Republicans. He said, "I think so far, the process has toughened up the eventual nominee."

As for Barbara Bush, she endorsed Mitt Romney.

But in keeping with her theme, she changed a recorded phone call to voters on Romney's behalf, and removed a line that said America couldn't survive four more years of President Barack Obama.

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