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Athletes, Others Show Tony Romo Respect On Social Media Following Speech

By| Trevor Peele

It was a tough Tuesday for many Tony Romo fans as he knew it was time to step aside and let Dak Prescott lead the Dallas Cowboys. In a classy and respectable speech, Romo offered full support of the decision for Prescott to remain the starting quarterback.

"Prescott has earned the right to be our quarterback. As hard as that is for me to say, he's earned that right. He's guided our team to an 8-1 record, and that's hard to do," Romo said.

At times it felt like Romo would retire and send us all in a whirlwind of even more emotions. However, this wasn't a farewell from Tony, it was just one of the boldest and unselfish moves you will ever see a four-time Pro Bowler take. The speech only added to the reasons why we love No.9 and Twitter was quick to show respect.

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