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Assault Suspect Free After Bond Lowered By $1.2 Million

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Maria Escamilla says she was brutally beaten, stabbed and sexually assaulted by her ex-boyfriend Jose Arreola.  And despite his bond initially being set at nearly $1.75 Million, he is now free after posting bail for less than one-third that amount.

"My lips and my skin were so detached from my face," she explains "I have cuts on my breasts.  I have cuts on my shoulders."

Her face and body are covered in scars.  The attack happened on March 13, in the home she once shared with Arreola in Lancaster.

She says the man she once loved returned to the home that day and unleashed the terrible attack.  "With fists, beating, kicking, choking," she says "After the sexual assault then the stabbing started."

She had to have more than 500 stitches and lost four liters of blood.  The human body contains only five liters.

"I don't know by what miracle I didn't die," says Escamilla "I had given up.  I wanted to die I didn't want to feel any more pain."

Arreola was already out on bond for allegedly assaulting Escamilla even before the March attack.

Despite those previous accusations and new charges of Aggravated Sexual Assault and Assault with a Deadly Weapon, he's now out of jail free on bond.

He's tracked by an Electronic Leg Monitor.

Judge Fred Tinsley with the 195th District Court in Dallas lowered Arreola's $1 Million bond to $300,000 on the weapon charge.

Arreola posted the bond and was released.  He was headed for jail again, on the Sexual Assault charge, but Judge Tinsley lowered that bond too from $750,000 to $225,000.  Arreola made that bond as well.

"He takes a lot of things into account - has he been out on bond before is he at risk of flight -will he commit the act again taking those factors into his mind the Judge determined that the bond should be lowered," explains attorney Luis Avila.

Escamilla turned to Avila for legal advice.  "She wants the system to take care of her not to put her at risk of being attacked again," says Avila.

Escamilla has already had four surgeries.  She's expected to undergo more in the coming months.
"I hope that I'm able to recover I don't see how I will live a normal life after this, but I hope that I can."

She says if there are any lesson with what happened to her it's, "It doesn't matter how small the abuse is if someone hurts you don't be afraid to call the police and press charges."

Escamilla has gotten a restraining order against Arreola.

Arreola's attorney told CBS 11 they were not commenting on the case.  According to someone who picked up the phone at Arreola's family's house he's at home but couldn't get to the phone because he was meeting with his attorney.

CBS 11 also wanted to talk to Judge Tinsley about why the bonds were lowered, but he also declined comment.

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