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Ask An Expert: 2014's Trends With Staying Power

Trends come and go, year by year, yet a few have strong staying power. Makeup artist LaDonna Stein airbrushes through the fads and cuts to those trends that will continue to make you shine. LaDonna began her career with training at the Diane Dick Modeling Agency in Amarillo, eventually continuing her education in New York and Los Angeles. She also studied theatrical makeup at UNT in Denton. At MAC Cosmetics, she was awarded a spot on the Impact team and achieved advanced certifications. She excels in bridal, commercial and fashion makeup as well as body painting and theater makeup. She is currently the staff makeup artist at Dallas Pinup, making clients beautiful in vintage hair and makeup styles.

LaDonna Stein
Dallas Pinup
Staff Makeup Artist
2928 Main St.
Dallas, TX 75226
(214) 741-4206


Classic Styles

Vintage can umbrella many different eras and has to be done right. Some fads really should stay in the past. Yet, classic styles from the 1930s to the 1960s have held on through the decades. Stein elaborates, "This style is ladylike, yet sexy. It appeals to all ages and is an especially flattering way for an older woman to still be sexy."

Mixing and Matching

In the past, mixing and matching different patterns was a big no-no in fashion. The year 2014 has embraced this daring style and it will likely continue as fashionistas crave contrasts. Stein says that "Bohemian mixture of textures and eras, pairing items that 'don't go together,' always seems to be in style, especially with youth culture."

Red Lips

It seems that red lips will always be a DO in makeup. To emphasize this look, Stein recommends sporting a "clean face with enhanced lashes and red lips. Every fall this look comes out to play. It is clean yet feminine and sexy. It also refers to the romance of the past."

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Healthy Living

This pointer is less of a trend than a lifestyle change for many. Really, it should be a must for all of us. Stein mentions, "I think more and more people are realizing that lasting beauty starts with what you put into your body." So to keep looking your best, load up on those fruits and veggies, beauty sleep and exercise, not just in 2014, but for the years to come.

Couture Clash

Monochromatic, looking like everyone else is out and should stay out of fashion. Finding a look that works and is admirable to the eye is the key and will be part of "fashion sense" for the long-term. Stein says, "Fashion always hits both ends of the spectrum. There will always be the cult of comfort versus the cult of glamour, and clean modern lines versus romantic nostalgic style." These extremes can work for everyone and should vary. We are not one-look wonders; embrace variety!


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Kena Sosa is a freelance writer in Dallas. Her work can be found at

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