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Art Advocates To Lobby Texas Lawmakers

AUSTIN (AP) - Texans for the Arts will be lobbying lawmakers for continued funding for the Texas Commission on the Arts in the next budget cycle.

The non-profit group says the arts and culture industry resulted in $4.6 billion in taxable sales last year resulting in $290 million in state revenue. About 100 members are expected to visit the Capitol on Thursday.

During his State of the State speech this week, Gov. Rick Perry said the growing arts and culture community is one of the reasons people are moving to Texas.

Lawmakers in 2011 slashed the Commission of the Arts' budget in half and Texas ranks 48th in the nation in arts funding. The commission has requested $7.1 million in general revenue for 2014-2015.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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