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Arlington Police Officer Accused Of Giving Drug Dealer Confidential Information

ARLINGTON (CBSDFW.COM) - Federal investigators say a 17-year veteran of the Arlington Police Department provided confidential information to a known drug dealer, from whom he was buying anabolic steroids.  Thomas Kantzos, 45, was arrested Tuesday night and is scheduled to appear before a federal judge Wednesday afternoon to enter a plea for the charges.

According to the federal affidavit, federal investigators arrested an unidentified witness who admitted to selling steroids and human growth hormone (HGH).  After the January 2013 arrest, the witness agreed to cooperate with authorities and told them he had routinely sold steroids to Officer Kantzos over the past five or six years.  The witness told investigators that on at least one occasion, Kantzos picked up about 20 HGH kits while wearing his police uniform and driving a marked squad car.

Federal investigators say they reviewed several months of text messages between Kantzos and the witness, during which Kantzos repeatedly asked about buying drugs for himself, co-workers in the Arlington Police Department and friends.  The witness told authorities that Kantzos would also collect money from others to buy the drugs or in some cases, front the money for the purchase.  According to the affidavit, a September 2012 text message from Kantzos read "Got a couple orders."  He responded in a later message, "One test...100 Winnie 100 anavar."  The witness told investigators "test" refers to testosterone, while "avanar" and "Winnie" refers to steroids.

A Dallas U.S. Attorney's office statement states: "Also, Kantzos allegedly put this witness in contact with two other APD officers so that they could obtain anabolic steroids directly."

Investigators also say that on several different occasions from December 2012 through June 2013, Kantzos accessed or had someone else access federal and state data banks to run license plates at the request of the witness, who feared he was being watched by police.

Federal records state:

"...on one occassion in December 2011, Kantzos provided the name of a person who was known to be a law enforcement officer, and based on that information, the witness inspected his/her vehicle and discovered a tracking device on it...the witness immediately began 'laying low' for several weeks."


Federal prosecutors say Kantzos knew he was giving confidential, restricted information to a known drug dealer to help him break the law.

A federal magistrate released Kantzos under the condition he turn in his badge, guns, and passport.  Kantzos is also to avoid all prohibited drugs include performance enhancers. The judge said any missed court appearances could cost Kantzos 10 years in jail and up to $250,000 in fines.  Each charge of unlawfully providing sensitive police information also carries a penalty of up to 10 years and a $250,000 fine.

Kantzos, is one of three known Arlington police officers involved in this criminal investigation.

David Vo, who was arrested last weekend and released, committed suicide hours before Kantzos arrest.  The Arlington Police Department said charges against Vo were pending.

Another officer, Craig Hermans, was also questioned in connection with the criminal investigation.

All three officers had been placed on administrative leave.  Vo and Hermans were both with the department for three years.

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