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Arlington police enhance security measures for upcoming events at AT&T Stadium

Arlington police boost security for upcoming major events at AT&T Stadium
Arlington police boost security for upcoming major events at AT&T Stadium 01:50

ARLINGTON — Following the New Year's Day attack in New Orleans, safety at big events is top of mind for everyone.


Arlington police handle security at every big event at AT&T Stadium, including the Cotton Bowl Classic next week. Today, they addressed security concerns for that game and this weekend's Cowboys game. They want to assure the public that they will be out for both events, ensuring everyone stays safe.

"The presence will be seen. You will definitely see more presence. You will see more cars, you will see more officers moving around," said Deputy Chief Leo Daniels.

Daniels runs Arlington PD's event management unit and oversees hundreds of major events in the city's entertainment district each year.

He said that despite more eyes following the attack in New Orleans on New Year's Day, this is exactly what his unit does, and they are prepared.

"We're not changing the way we're operating the game. We have a robust plan. We will continue to evaluate that plan all the way until the event, but as far as the need to change what we're doing, no, we don't have to," said Daniels.

But that's not to say some changes will be made if needed.

"We also will be evaluating our areas where we see high volumes of pedestrians making their way to and from the stadium," said Daniels.

Police are also asking for your help in keeping everyone safe, including reporting suspicious posts on social media.

"Absolutely call, that is an extremely important thing and I want everyone to understand, it is never a bother, we'd always rather have more phone calls than less. People are seeing things we can't possibly see," said Daniels.

Deputy Chief Daniels said if you see something suspicious online, call the non-emergency number or 911.

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