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Archives Being Moved Into Bush Library

DALLAS (AP) - The moving-in process is under way at the George W. Bush Library and Museum, where some 43,000 artifacts from his time in the White House will be kept.

The library and museum are housed inside the roughly 227,000-square-foot George W. Bush Presidential Center on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Bush and his wife, Laura, live nearby.

The center, which also houses Bush's policy institute, is being dedicated in April. The presidential library houses the archives from the Bush administration.

Library director Alan Lowe says 70 million nonclassified letters, memos and other paper records from Bush's eight years in office have been moved to the center.

All of the roughly 40,000 artifacts will be there by the end of February.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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