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AP-GfK Poll: Clinton Appears On Cusp Of Commanding Victory

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NEW YORK (AP) - Hillary Clinton appears on the cusp of a potentially commanding victory over Donald Trump, fueled by solid Democratic turnout in early voting, massive operational advantages and increasing enthusiasm among her supporters.

A new Associated Press-GfK poll released Wednesday finds the Democratic nominee has grabbed a number of significant advantages over her Republican rival with just 12 days left before Election Day.

Among them: consolidating the support of her party and even winning some Republicans.

Overall, the poll shows Clinton leading Trump nationally by a staggering 14 percentage points among likely voters, 51-37.

While that is one of her largest margins among several recent national surveys, most show the former secretary of state with a substantial national lead over the billionaire businessman.

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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