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Addressing Anxiety Disorders Head-On: Who's Impacted, How To Help

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. An estimated 40 million adults in the U.S., or 18% have an anxiety disorder.

Dr. Suvrat Bhargave is a Clinical Psychiatrist and author of the newly-released book, "A Moment of Insight." Dr. Bhargave says unfiltered information constantly being release is churning stressors that used to be short-lived into lasting effects of anxiety. But, he also says, anxiety can be cured.

Nerves, stress, anxiety… is it all the same? Dr. Suvrat Bhargave explains the symptoms [see above] of anxiety and why it's on the rise in America.

Anxiety in America: Dr. Bhargave breaks down who is most prone to anxiety disorder.

Anxiety in Children: Clinical Psychiatrist, Dr. Suvrat Bhargave, offers tips on ways to talk to your kids about managing anxiety and stress.

Can you cure anxiety disorder? Dr. Bhargave provides strategies to help cope with day-to-day stressors.

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