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A Rare Medium Well Done: 8.4.12

Editor's note: Greggo doesn't want us to edit this.  So we won't.

ok...i admit it...after our cowboys round table all-skate...ive got two things to accomplish today...number one is laundry...even though i think i have enough clean clothes to make it...i cant stand seeing dirty threads stacking up...and using hotel laundry facilities is always must be ill be a temporary chamber-maid...second on my list is some shopping...downtown ventura is a haven for antique and specialty the 60's and 70's..ventura was a stronghold for the hippies...and is now a "starving artist"..bohemian type community..very neat..very good browsing..very unique question to you think this is cool??....would you spend a brilliant southern california saturday roaming around looking for interesting merchandise??...or would it be the beach??....let me your thoughts to   Be cussing.

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