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A Rare Medium Well Done: 8.10.12

Editor's note: Greggo doesn't want us to edit this.  So we won't.

two great corners added... dez looks like he's interested in playing...sean lee and bruce carter are making plays all over field...romo looks sharp...and the whole camp is relaxed..cussing like drunken sailors...but...all that positivity might not matter...if the offensive line doesn't improve..and improve fast..this team doesn't stand a chance..if the offense can't move ball and score matter how many plays the defense won't matter..if you're looking for one word to describe the offensive line..."sucks"..and two words.."sucks bad"...covering my 23rd cowboy camp..I can never remember a worse unit..from blown assignments..bad center snaps..being man-handles..and just out-and-out horrific play..I don't see it improving from within..injuries are robbing precious practice time..the first time the "starters" will line up together will be opening night against the new york football might get will be ugly..and there are very little options..the cowboys best go-to play might be the punt..then pray the defense can somehow get in the end zone..otherwise..the lads on offense will be mangled beyond recognition..sherman's march to the sea comes to mind..scorched earth and no prisoners taken...the defense..romo..dez might be the victims of collateral damage..8-8 would be miracle..let's hope i'm full of s&$#......

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