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2 New Jersey Refs Refuse To Work High School Game After Anthem Protest

MONROE, N.J. (AP) — A father and son part of a high school football game's officiating crew walked off the field after members of one team knelt during the national anthem.

Ernie and Anthony Lunardelli say they told officials from Colts Neck and Monroe high schools before Friday night's game they would not work if any players protested. They were replaced by two officials in training after four Monroe players took a knee on their home field.

The two officials told they respect the players' right to protest, but they believe such acts are disrespectful.

The paper reported that Monroe High School Athletic Director Greg Beyer declined comment on the officials' decision not to work the game. He said it's school district policy to permit players to peacefully protest.

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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