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North Texas leaders react to Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade

North Texas leaders react to Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade 01:34

North Texas leaders are sharing their reactions after the U.S. Supreme Court published its decision overturning Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, returning control over abortion access to states for the first time since 1973.

A Texas Politics Project poll released in May 2022 found 54% of Texans surveyed said they oppose banning all abortions in the state, while 35% supported the ban.


Church leader Robert Jeffress thanks the Supreme Court, Trump

First Baptist Dallas leader Dr. Robert Jeffress said in a statement:

"Last Friday, God did a miracle and He took this evil, abominable decision and He cast it into the dustbin of history – Roe is no more! 

This is not a victory for Republicans or conservatives. This is a victory for the millions of yet-to-be-born children who now have a right to live out their God-ordained years on this Earth. Praise God.

The primary reason that Roe was overturned on Friday, was because in 2016, evangelical Christians joined together with conservative Catholics and they elected a President who kept his promise to appoint three conservative pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. Thank God for President Donald J. Trump."  

By CBS Texas Staff

Tarrant County DA Sharen Wilson reacts

Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Sharen Wilson, a Republican, said in a statement:

"We do not choose which laws we follow.

My oath and that of everyone in my office is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States and Texas. Prosecutors do not make the law – we follow it. We followed Roe v. Wade when it was the law and we will follow Texas state law now.

Every case presented to the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office will be reviewed. If the facts warrant prosecution, then the case will be presented to a Grand Jury for consideration.  As prosecutors, we always know that our primary duty under law is not to convict, but to see that justice is done, Art. 2.01, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Senator Nathan Johnson reacts

Texas Senator Nathan Johnson (D-TX16), who represents parts of Dallas, said in a statement:

"When I learned this morning that Roe v. Wade had fallen, the first person I called was my daughter. She'll be 17 soon. What does her world look like now? Colder, more cruel, less tolerant, and far more despotic towards women. It affects everyone, but I worry most about young women coming into adulthood in this environment.

We have indeed regressed to a time less enlightened rather than more, a time when, by outlawing abortion outright, powerful factions exercised dominion over the lives that women can lead. 

I wanted to tell my daughter that this is a temporary aberration, but I couldn't.

As President Biden observed this morning, in some states the only redemption is federal codification of a right to privacy, one which includes the specific right of a woman to make her own reproductive decisions - including abortion. Texas, I'm afraid, is such a state. At least for now. For here in Texas those with political control believe that the state, not individuals, should determine matters of personal conscience and religion and philosophy. I do not.

I will continue to support a woman's right to determine - consistent with her own personal faith and convictions, in consultation with her loved ones, trusted guides, and medical professionals - whether, how, and when to raise a family."

By CBS Texas Staff

Dallas County DA Creuzot reacts to overturn of Roe v. Wade

Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot, a retired judge and lawyer, said that "today's decision from the Supreme Court turns back the clock nearly 50 years on women's rights."

Creuzot, a member of the Democratic party, continued to say that he wants "women across Texas, and especially here in Dallas County, to rest assured that my office will not stand in the way of them seeking the healthcare they need."

By CBS Texas Staff

Rep. Pat Fallon's statement on overturning Roe v. Wade

Representative Pat Fallon (R-TX4), who represents a large portion of Northwest Texas including Sherman and Paris, said in a statement:

"Today marks a huge win for life and an even bigger win for the United States of America. During my time in public office, I have committed myself to always fight for the sanctity of life. Earlier today, we received incredible news out of the Supreme Court in the overturning of Roe v. Wade. At the end of the day - unborn children are no less alive than you and me, for precious life beings at conception. It doesn't stop here; we must continue our fight to protect life!"

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas AFL-CIO reacts to SCOTUS ruling

The Texas AFL-CIO, a state labor federation consisting of 235,000 affiliated union members, wrote on Twitter that the Supreme Court's "decision to overrule #RoeVsWade will have abrupt & dangerous consequences in TX." 

The union also committed to fighting "to defend the ability of ordinary working people to make fundamental personal decisions in their lives."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas GOP responds to Texas Dems letter

The Texas GOP responded to the Texas Democratic Party's letter calling for local governments to refuse to enforce Texas' abortion laws, tweeting that their "work is far from over."

The tweet continued, "This is why our abolish abortion legislative priority says we have 'to ensure the enforcement of our laws to protect life when district attorneys fail to do so.'"

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Democratic Party leaders send letter to local governments, law enforcement

Texas Democratic Party chair Gilberto Hinojosa and Vice Chair Shay Cathey sent a letter to local officials, urging them to refuse enforcing Texas' abortion laws.

According to the letter, "District Attorneys and local law enforcement agencies have significant discretion to decide what cases to prioritize and pursue." Officials from four counties -- Nueces, Fort Bend, Bexar, and Travis -- have already made commitments to refuse enforcing Texas abortion laws, Hinojosa wrote on Twitter.

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas State Rep. Matt Shaheen's reaction

State Representative Matt Shaheen (R-TX66), whose district includes Plano, wrote on Twitter:

"Today, little babies across America now have the God given right to life. These precious children of God will grow up to live extraordinary lives & we will be a better society having them with us."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas State Rep. Jessica Gonzalez reacts

Texas State Representative Jessica Gonzalez (D-TX104), who represents parts of Grand Prairie and Dallas, tweeted:

"Today is a dark day in American history. Instead of advancing rights, our nation has moved backward. The Supreme Court has eroded our right to an abortion, reversing precedent set decades ago.  

Texans and Americans will suffer from this ruling. When Texas' trigger law goes into effect, performing an abortion will become a felony, including for rape and incest survivors.

Abortion decisions are between a patient and their doctors, not politicians. All Texans deserve the right to make their own health care decisions. I will not stop fighting for reproductive healthcare access."

By CBS Texas Staff

Democratic Texas AG candidate Rochelle Garza's response

Rochelle Garza, the Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General who will face incumbent AG Ken Paxton this fall, tweeted:

"As a mom to a 3-month-old, I'll be damned if my daughter, and all of our children, grow up in a country that does not value their health & their human right to decide what happens to their bodies. Every Texan deserves the right to decide if, when, & how to become a parent."

By CBS Texas Staff

Bishop Edward Burns praises decision

Bishop Edward Burns of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas issued the following statement in support of the ruling:

"Recognizing both the laws of nature and God's divine plan, we acknowledge that life begins at the moment of conception. At that moment of conception, the child has the right to be born, the child has the right to life.

Since 1973, we have prayed and marched for the right to life. We are grateful that this day has come and give thanks to God for the gift of life. Let us continue to pray that all will come to acknowledge this sacred right to life.

The Catholic Diocese of Dallas will continue offering support for women in need through the efforts of the Catholic Pro-Life Community, Catholic Charities Dallas, crisis pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and other pro-life organizations within our Diocese. We will also continue offering support through our three crisis phone lines (1-800-BABY-DUE, 214-557-5286, or 972-BABY-DUE) and we look forward to the opportunity to grow together in our goal to continue to offer as much additional support as possible to mothers in need and encourage them to make use of these resources. 

Let us now all join together in prayer asking God our Heavenly Father to bless our country with peace and help us seek understanding for one another and respect for life during this time."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Senator Bryan Hughes reacts

Texas Senator Bryan Hughes (R-TX1), who represents a large portion of East Texas including Tyler, said in a statement:

"Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed our nation's constitutional foundation of respect for life by finally correcting a decision that has wrongly ruled for almost 50 years. I commend the Court for refusing to be bullied and for deciding the outcome based on the rightful application of the law rather than on fealty to a lawless ruling. 

This historic decision marks the end of a terrible chapter in our history. By extending equal protection of the law to the most innocent, the Court today brings us closer to living out the true meaning of the American creed. Texas stands with 12 other states with trigger laws already in place to immediately begin saving lives now that Roe v. Wade is set aside. But there is more work to be done. 

Texas will continue to lead the way in this post-Roe world. In addition to existing benefits to help mothers and children, we have allocated $100 million solely to help expectant mothers and adoptive parents. The program provides everything from parenting classes to car seats and proves that we can save the life of the unborn child while we love, respect, and support the mother. 

 We will not forget the 62 million Americans who were denied life before their first breath. With the travesty of Roe v. Wade finally on the ash heap of history, more little lives can be saved, and more mothers can be helped."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas State Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos reacts

Texas State Representative Ana-Maria Ramos (D-TX102), whose district includes parts of Dallas, Garland, and Richardson, tweeted:

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Senator Kelly Hancock reacts

Texas State Senator Kelly Hancock (R-TX9), who represents parts of Dallas and Tarrant counties, tweeted:

"The lives of countless Texas children, made in the image of God, are now protected. What an opportunity for both state government and the Church to step up and serve mothers facing unplanned pregnancies and their families. Let's get to work."

By CBS Texas Staff

Former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis reacts

Former State Senator Wendy Davis, who gained national attention for filibustering a Texas abortion bill in 2013 and ran for governor against GOP then-candidate Greg Abbott the following year, tweeted:

"In this devastating moment for the right to control our own reproductive destinies - I am choosing hope rather than resignation. We have work to do - no time for crying in our beers.  

We need to provide help to practical support organizations on the ground helping people access care like local, state and national abortion funds.  

We need to work proactively to protect access to long-acting contraceptive care (IUDs) and the morning after pill. Local and state ballot initiative work will be essential. 

We need to spread the word, galvanize the upset and turn voters out in November and the next November and so on and so on.  

We need to protect practical support organizations who will be threatened with both civil and criminal liability if they help people access abortion care."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan reacts

Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Dade Phelan, a Republican, tweeted: 

"Today's ruling is a massive victory for innocent, unborn life and marks the beginning of a new era in Texas.  

Abortion in our state will be outlawed in a matter of weeks thanks to a "trigger" law the Texas Legislature passed in 2021, with exceptions for preserving the life of a mother and in the unfortunate cases of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.  

When the Legislature reconvenes in 2023, the Texas House will double down on maternal health care and resources for women, children, and families.  

That starts with extending postpartum health coverage for new moms to 12 months and continuing to prioritize support and resources for women and families in Texas."  

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas State Rep. Julie Johnson's response

Texas State Representative Julie Johnson (D-TX115) wrote on Twitter:

"For 50 years, we have trusted our courts to be impartial arbiters of justice. We have looked to SCOTUS to uphold & defend our Constitution. SCOTUS has broken our trust & proven that they are just as politically motivated as the elected officials who nominated them.

Law once viewed as a precedent set by the court is now gone. This is a complete disregard for the health & lives of women. The ripple effect will be felt across the nation as women lose access to making their own decisions regarding their bodies.

More than ever TX must make meaningful changes in the upcoming #txlege session. I and my colleagues in the [Texas Women's Health Caucus] will keep fighting for programs and resources that expand access to women's health services and providers. We are not disposable. It's time for TX to step up."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas State Rep. Rafael Anchia reacts

Texas State Representative Rafael Anchia (D-TX103) said in a statement:

"Reversing Roe v Wade upends the decades of progress on women's health. Texans must vote for new leaders who protect every person's right to have autonomy over their own bodies and futures."

By CBS Texas Staff

Rep. Jake Ellzey reacts

Representative Jake Ellzey (R-TX6) retweeted GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy, adding "Today, life wins."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Senator Beverly Powell's response

Texas Senator Beverly Powell (D-TX10) published a statement on Twitter:

"More than ever, local and state elections matter."   

By CBS Texas Staff

Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne reacts

Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne (R-TX24) tweeted:

"Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional decision in 1973 and today's ruling has finally put right a decision that has cost the lives of millions. This is a momentous step for the rights of the unborn and the sanctity of life."

By CBS Texas Staff

Rep. Kay Granger's response

Representative Kay Granger (R-TX12) tweeted:

"Today's decision a win for the lives of unborn children. For decades, millions of innocent lives have been lost to abortion, and now, millions will be saved. I commend the Supreme Court's historic ruling to return the decision to states."

By CBS Texas Staff

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson reacts

Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX30) tweeted:

"This is a moment of reckoning for reproductive rights—for human rights—in America.

Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for nearly 50 years. 4 in 5 Americans support upholding legal abortion.

Today's decision will immediately endanger the lives of millions across the country who can no longer make their own health care choices. People will still need and get abortions—and it's on us to protect and support them, as well as those who are providing them care.

Empty promises to take action now have real consequences. Congress must meet the urgency of the moment and act now."  

By CBS Texas Staff

Senator Ted Cruz's reaction

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement:

"The Supreme Court's decision in the Dobbs case, reversing Roe v. Wade, is nothing short of a massive victory for life, and it will save the lives of millions of innocent babies. The decision reverses one of the most egregious departures from the Constitution and legal precedent the United States has ever seen, and one that has resulted in the deaths of 63 million American children.

"Roe was wrong the day it was decided, and it has been wrong every day since then. If you search for the word 'abortion' in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you won't find it. The Court at the time acknowledged that, and yet Roe created a brand new constitutional 'right' out of whole cloth. 

"And while the left manically argues that the Dobbs decision makes abortion illegal throughout the country, that is false. What this decision does is leave abortion policy up to the states and returns power to the American people—which is exactly how questions of abortion were handled before Roe. 

"This is a momentous day, and yet the fight for life doesn't end with the Dobbs decision. It simply begins a new chapter. I've been proud to stand for life in the U.S. Senate, and I will continue to do so as we navigate the path ahead."

By CBS Texas Staff

Rep. Colin Allred's response

In a statement, Representative Allred (D, TX-32) said:

"This is a radical, dangerous, and deeply unpopular decision by a radical, activist, and out of touch court. In choosing to rip away 50 years of rights for women, this court has also laid the groundwork to rip away many other rights.

The United States now joins a vanishingly small list of countries where the right to an abortion is not protected, a list that also coincides with dramatic democratic backsliding.

Just like when abortion was illegal before, abortion won't end, it will just become dangerous and cost women their lives. This ruling joins the list of the worst decisions in the Court's long history. The real world impacts will be devastating and will take us back decades.

The burden to protect women's rights now falls to the Congress and our state legislatures. We can and should do that, but we must also recognize that we will need to organize and activate the millions of Americans who don't want to see us go backwards any further.

My hope is that today is remembered in future history books not for this disgraceful ruling, but for the brave folks who stood up in its wake to fight for a more perfect union and the change they brought about. I will be fighting alongside them."

By CBS Texas Staff

Senator John Cornyn's reaction

U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement:

"Today, the Court has restored one of the core principles of our Constitution with this landmark ruling. This decision correctly returns the authority of states to decide the limits on abortion and will save countless innocent lives. I commend the Justices for not bowing to the vicious intimidation campaign waged by the radical Left. I join Texans in celebrating this historic victory for life and the rule of law."

By CBS Texas Staff

Texas Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) reacts

Royce West, D-Dallas also weighed in, saying:  

"Today's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a setback for women's rights and the right to privacy in our country. For years, I have championed a woman's right to make her own health choices, inclusive of her reproductive rights. In the coming Legislative Session, I will do everything possible to fight for Texas women and their reproductive rights.   

I will continue to analyze today's decision to determine the best legislative path forward to help Texas women. Those who believe in a woman's right to choose will need to become more actively involved by voting to send others to Austin to help me in this fight.

An attack on women's rights today, will result in attacks on the rights of others tomorrow."

By CBS Texas Staff

Congressman Marc Veasey reacts

Following the ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Congressman Marc Veasey (TX-33) released the following statement:  

"Today, we saw our nation's highest court overturn an essential right that has been enshrined into the law of the land for almost 50 years. The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is absolutely dangerous and destructive to the right to essential health care, the right to privacy, and our freedom to make our own decisions. Make no mistake–today's decision paves the way for the Republican-led Supreme Court to overturn many of the rights and freedoms that we have held dear. 

"It's a heavy day for families, for women, and for the people we know who have had to make a difficult healthcare decision in my home state of Texas and beyond. However, we must turn our pain into action. This is just the beginning–we must keep fighting to preserve our essential freedoms at the ballot box in November. As a member of Congress, I will never stop fighting to preserve access to essential health care and the right to personal freedom. I urge my Republican colleagues to put partisan politics aside and join us in protecting American families."

By CBS Texas Staff

Gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke reacts

Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke said in a statement:

"The only way to overcome today's decision is to win this race for governor. The Supreme Court has sent this back to the states, and our state's current governor has outlawed abortion beginning at conception with no exception for rape or incest.

If you care about protecting a woman's freedom to make her own decisions about her own body, health care, and future, join this campaign and help us win."

By CBS Texas Staff

Greg Abbott reacts to end of Roe v. Wade

Governor Greg Abbott said in a statement:

"The U.S. Supreme Court correctly overturned Roe v. Wade and reinstated the right of states to protect innocent, unborn children. Texas is a pro-life state, and we have taken significant action to protect the sanctity of life. Texas has also prioritized supporting women's healthcare and expectant mothers in need to give them the necessary resources so that they can choose life for their child. I signed laws that extended Medicaid health care coverage to six months post-partum, appropriated $345 million for women's health programs, and invested more than $100 million toward our Alternatives to Abortion program. This critical program provides counseling, mentoring, care coordination, and material assistance, such as car seats, diapers, and housing to mothers in need.

Texas will always fight for the innocent unborn, and I will continue working with the Texas legislature and all Texans to save every child from the ravages of abortion and help our expectant mothers in need."

By CBS Texas Staff
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