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U.S. confirms 13th coronavirus case

The CDC is confirming the number of U.S. coronavirus cases has risen to 13, with the latest in San Diego. Meanwhile, China announced a single day death toll exceeding 100 for the first time, as worldwide deaths climb to over 1,000. WHO is now on the ground in China where it aims to assemble a global team of scientists to try and speed up the development of solutions. Carter Evans is outside a military base in California with details on the latest U.S. case.


First American dies from coronavirus

A cruise ship docked in Japan currently holds the largest single group of confirmed coronavirus infections outside of China. With at least 3,400 passengers and crew, it’s estimated that 61 passengers (including 11 Americans) have tested positive. New research suggests that the pangolin, an endangered mammal whose scales are highly valued in Chinese medicine, may have passed the virus on to humans. Michael George has the latest on coronavirus, including details surrounding the first American death.


CDC quarantines 350 Americans

The CDC implemented its first public health quarantine in 50 years as 350 people are isolated over coronavirus fears. At least four American evacuees from Wuhan are now showing signs of sickness after landing in California on Wednesday. In Japan, two U.S. citizens have been diagnosed with coronavirus aboard a cruise ship, where 3,700 passengers are confined to their cabins for two weeks over health risks. Ramy Inocencio reports on the jump in confirmed cases.

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