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Is vaping actually safer than smoking?

The White House is moving to curb the vaping epidemic in America that's linked to at least six recent deaths. A new initiative would ban most flavored e-cigarettes, allowing only tobacco flavor. Cases of possible vaping- related illnesses have been reported in at least 36 states, including Hawaii, Idaho, and Washington, which just reported their first cases this week. Dr. David Agus joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss why we still don't know the full health impact of e-cigarettes and the challenges of regulating them.


The problem with Trump's e-cig crackdown

President Trump says a ban on most flavored vaping products is the right response to what health officials call an "epidemic" of e-cigarette use by teenagers. A recent jump in illnesses linked to vaping has grabbed the attention of lawmakers, regulators, and parents, including the president and first lady. But CBS News has learned any real crackdown is likely a long way off. It will take weeks for the FDA to release its final rule -- and even then, companies have time to respond. Paula Reid reports.

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