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The Pentagon


Lt. Gen. William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described what the United States hopes will be a “sustainable” campaign after it began carrying out its first airstrikes in Syria against ISIS and the Khorasan Group

Lt. Gen. William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described what the United States hopes will be a “sustainable” campaign after it began carrying out its first airstrikes in Syria against ISIS and the Khorasan Group


The full episode of the CBS Evening News from the June 18, 2014 edition.

U.S. military aircraft, including warplanes from the USS Bush, are now flying around the clock surveillance missions over Iraq. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey told Congress Iraq has requested air strikes against the insurgents who now control much of northern and western Iraq; and, it's natural to see California seagulls by San Francisco Bay, but their numbers have swelled and it's affecting everything from flights to sanitation. Scientists are unable to say whether the population surge is due to climate change or a shortage of predators.


The Pentagon increased spy flights over Iraq using high flying global hawk drones as it developed plans for air strikes designed to blunt the insurgent march south

The Pentagon increased spy flights over Iraq using high flying global hawk drones as it developed plans for air strikes designed to blunt the insurgent march south. But despite the firepower, officials say there are not too many lucrative targets when bombing an insurgent force fewer than 10,000 people. David Martin reports.

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