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South Carolina Primary


President Obama predicted Tuesday that Trump won’t be elected

A new poll shows Republican Donald Trump expanding his lead nationwide, up by nearly two to one among Republican voters with 39 percent support. If Trump wins Saturday’s South Carolina primary, some think he will be unstoppable. President Obama predicted Tuesday that Trump won’t be elected, but the comment could give the GOP frontrunner a boost among Republicans eager to prove the president wrong. Major Garrett reports.


Most of them are already in the key state criticizing each other and pitching voters who will go to the polls a week from Friday

The Republican candidates meet Saturday night in South Carolina for a debate hosted by CBS News. Most of them are already in the key state criticizing each other and pitching voters who will go to the polls a week from Friday, but Donald Trump was hundreds of miles away Thursday, speaking to about 10,000 fans at a rally in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Julianna Goldman reports.


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled repeatedly at Thursday night’s debate

The Democratic presidential race is getting tighter, and the candidates are finding more to fight about. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled repeatedly at Thursday night’s debate. It was their last meeting before the upcoming Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary. The candidates also reached out to minority voters who are about to play a much larger role in the campaign. Nancy Cordes reports.

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