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Ronald Reagan


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton apologized for her praise of the Reagan administration record on AIDS and HIV Friday after online backlash

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton apologized for her praise of the Reagan administration record on AIDS and HIV Friday after online backlash. In a television appearance ahead of Nancy Reagan's funeral, Clinton initially lauded President and Mrs. Reagan for starting a "national conversation" about AIDS. However, critics in the LGBT community attacked Clinton for overlooking the Reagan administration's initial dismissal of the AIDS epidemic. CBS News' Vladimir Duthiers has the details.


One thousand guests are preparing to pay respects to former first lady Nancy Reagan, who died at 94

One thousand guests are preparing to pay respects to former first lady Nancy Reagan, who died at 94. CBS News national correspondent Ben Tracy describes the scene at the funeral from Simi Valley, California. CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante and "48 Hours" senior executive producer Susan Zirinsky also join CBSN with more insight on the legacy of Nancy Reagan.

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