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A team of U.S. Green Berets were air dropped into the mountains of northern Iraq to assess what it will take to rescue refugees on the run from ISIS

A team of U.S. Green Berets were air dropped into the mountains of northern Iraq to assess what it will take to rescue refugees on the run from ISIS. The troops will determine whether the best way to extract the refugees will be by airlift, or creating a land corridor that would provide a secure exit on the ground. David Martin reports.


One hundred thirty U.S. military advisors have arrived in Iraq to assess how to help the Yazidis, a religious minority who are stranded on a mountain top after being forced to flee from ISIS attacks

One hundred thirty U.S. military advisors have arrived in Iraq to assess how to help the Yazidis, a religious minority who are stranded on a mountain top after being forced to flee from ISIS attacks. Meanwhile, ISIS continues its attempts to shoot down helicopters dropping food and supplies. Holly Williams reports from Erbil, Iraq.


The full episode of the CBS Evening News from the June 18, 2014 edition.

U.S. military aircraft, including warplanes from the USS Bush, are now flying around the clock surveillance missions over Iraq. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey told Congress Iraq has requested air strikes against the insurgents who now control much of northern and western Iraq; and, it's natural to see California seagulls by San Francisco Bay, but their numbers have swelled and it's affecting everything from flights to sanitation. Scientists are unable to say whether the population surge is due to climate change or a shortage of predators.


The Syrian city of Homs was evacuated during a 3-day ceasefire. The ceasefire was supposed to allow relief workers to get inside the city, but a mortar attack has put that plan in jeopardy

The Syrian city of Homs, which has seen some of the bloodiest battles in a civil war that's killed 130,000 people, was evacuated during a 3-day ceasefire. The ceasefire was supposed to allow relief workers to get inside the city, but a mortar attack has put that plan in jeopardy. Elizabeth Palmer reports.

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