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Rand Paul


Republican senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul blocked a final Senate vote during a very unusual Sunday session

Three important sections of the Patriot Act are no longer part of the anti-terror law. The Senate failed to pass a bill extending the government's authority to collect phone information, track lone-wolf threats and follow suspects who change their phones. Republican senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul blocked a final Senate vote during a very unusual Sunday session. Nancy Cordes is on Capitol Hill, where the Senate is now moving to plan B.


Senators rushed back from recess in order to seal a deal before key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire

Senators rushed back from recess in order to seal a deal before midnight, when key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire. Several surveillance programs will end, including the NSA's bulk collection of phone records revealed by Edward Snowden. The Obama administration, along with many key Republicans, say national security is at stake. Juliana Goldman reports.


Paul joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss how he wants to protect the Fourth Amendment

The Senate will try one more time next weekend to extend government programs that collect cellphone data. One big reason for the holdup is an ongoing protest by Sen. Rand Paul. The presidential candidate and other Republicans blocked a final vote last week. Paul joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss how he wants to protect the Fourth Amendment and his new book, "Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America."

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