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Federal officers on the streets of Portland

In addition to tear gas, there has been more than a whiff of politics in the air as armed men in camouflage have filled the streets of Portland, Oregon, setting off a pandemic of confusion and outrage. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin looks into the Department of Homeland Security's Border Patrol agents (who usually go after drug smugglers along the southwest border), who have been confronting and detaining protesters. Current and former government officials discuss what some decry as a "rogue police force."


Feds use tear gas in Portland

It was another night of high tensions Friday in Portland, as federal agents used tear gas to disperse protesters near a courthouse. Clashes between the groups have been ongoing since the agents were deployed by the Trump administration to protect federal buildings and monuments, but there's been pushback from local leaders who call the situation an abuse of power. Rebecca Ellis, a City Hall reporter for Oregon Public Broadcasting, joined CBSN to discuss.

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