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Mitt Romney


Mitt Romney on today's Republican Party

The Utah Senator and one-time GOP presidential nominee today says he is no longer at home within a Republican Party dominated by Donald Trump. Mitt Romney talks with CBS News' Norah O'Donnell about why he feels a large portion of his party doesn't believe in the Constitution, and about his reaction to the violence of January 6. He also discusses the example set by his father, George Romney, a former governor of Michigan; and revelations from McKay Coppins' new biography, "Romney: A Reckoning."


Hunter Biden case and political fallout

President Biden is wrapping up an intense week. In just the past few days, House Republicans announced an impeachment inquiry and his son, Hunter, was indicted on gun charges. Ashley Etienne, a CBS News political contributor and former communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Leslie Sanchez, a CBS News political analyst and Republican strategist, joined CBS News to discuss these stories and more political news.

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