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A court order to integrate schools in Cleveland, Mississippi, was announced a day before the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

A court order to integrate schools in Cleveland, Mississippi, was announced Monday, a day before the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. While Cleveland School District officials contend they have made big strides since they were first ordered to desegregate back in 1969, the federal judge ruled that wasn't enough. Michelle Miller reports on the divided town.


During a town hall that was part of President Obama's trip to the U.K., a person announced they were "non-binary," not identifying as male or female

During a town hall that was part of President Obama's trip to the U.K., a person announced they were "non-binary," not identifying as male or female. The unscripted moment came amid questions from the British LGBT community about controversial so-called "religious freedom" laws that were recently adopted in North Carolina and Mississippi. Margaret Brennan has more.

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