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According to a report from, 63 percent of Americans wouldn't be able to afford a $500 surprise car repair or a $1,000 trip to the emergency room

According to a report from, 63 percent of Americans wouldn't be able to afford a $500 surprise car repair or a $1,000 trip to the emergency room. Another financial surprise? Millennials are putting away more money than any other age group. Laura Adams is a personal finance expert and joins CBSN to talk money.


The drop in religious beliefs is changing the way many Americans get married

A survey by the Pew Research Center shows millennials are losing the faith. Less than half say religion is very important to them, and just half say they believe in God with absolute certainty, compared to nearly 70 percent of baby boomers. The drop in religious beliefs is changing the way many Americans get married. Adriana Diaz reports from First United Church in Oak Park, Illinois, with how this is shaking up the world of weddings.

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