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#MeToo Movement


NYT journalists reflect on impact of #MeToo

The #MeToo movement ignited a global reckoning on sexual harassment and abuse. Now, the New York Times is revealing how the movement changed the brave women and men who shared their stories. The Times spoke to 20 people who previously came forward. CBS News contributor Jodi Kantor is an investigative reporter for the New York Times and Melena Ryzik is a cultural reporter for the paper. Their reporting helped expose sexual harassment and abuse, and fueled the #MeToo movement. Kantor and Ryzik join “CBS This Morning” to discuss why they believe the #MeToo moment isn't over and how those who spoke out are feeling now.


Bill Clinton's interview with Colbert

Former President Clinton was offered a second chance to discuss the #MeToo movement and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Despite the friendly overture, Mr. Clinton took the same tone as in earlier interviews. CBSN's primary night panel - CBS News correspondent Ed O'Keefe, CBSN contributor Caitlin Huey-Burns of RealClearPolitics, Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez, and Democratic strategist Hari Sevugan -- discusses Mr. Clinton's recent comments.

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