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Marco Rubio


Rubio believes he is the only candidate running for president with the capacity to unite the GOP. The Florida senator notes that he is the only presidential contender on the right discussing student loan debt and vocational training in America

GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio believes he is the only candidate running for president with the capacity to unite the GOP. Sen. Rubio, R-Florida, notes that he is the only presidential contender on the right discussing student loan debt and vocational training in America.


Rubio says Iran’s American hostages “are not prisoners,” adding that former FBI agent Bob Levinson is still missing. The president’s negotiation with Iran proves "nations and enemies of America around the world know there's a price for Americans”

GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio says Iran’s American hostages “are not prisoners,” adding that former FBI agent Bob Levinson is still missing. Sen. Rubio, R-Florida believes that the president’s negotiation with Iran “proves once again now that nations and enemies of America around the world know there's a price for Americans.”


“Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson sat down with GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio to discuss recent developments out of Iran, gun legislation, and the run up to the Republican primaries in an interview that aired January 17, 2016

“Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson sat down with GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio to discuss recent developments out of Iran, gun legislation, and the run up to the Republican primaries in an interview that aired January 17, 2016.


In an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation," the Republican presidential candidate criticizes the recent exchange of four American prisoners for pardoning seven Iranians, saying it only encourages enemy nations to see that "there's a price for Americans"

In an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation," the Republican presidential candidate criticizes the recent exchange of four American prisoners for pardoning seven Iranians, saying it only encourages enemy nations to see that "there's a price for Americans"


Weeks away from the Iowa caucuses, the Republican presidential candidates gathered in South Carolina for their first debate of the new year

Weeks away from the Iowa caucuses, the Republican presidential candidates gathered in South Carolina for their first debate of the new year. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz attacked one another's backgrounds, and Jeb Bush criticized Trump's idea to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett spoke with Meg Oliver and Elaine Quijano about the impact this debate will have on the race.


A new poll shows Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by just three points among likely voters in Iowa

A new poll shows Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by just three points among likely voters in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Sanders leads Clinton by four points. On the Republican side, the Iowa poll shows Ted Cruz leading Donald Trump by four points, but Trump has a 16-point lead in New Hampshire. The GOP race remains volatile, but two distinct plotlines are emerging. Trump and Cruz are battling for supremacy in Iowa, and Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are fighting to be the mainstream alternative. Major Garrett reports.


Face the Nation host John Dickerson recaps his weekend in South Carolina including trips to see Republican presidential candidates Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, and businessman Donald Trump, as well as House Speaker Paul Ryan's GOP Poverty Summit.

Face the Nation host John Dickerson recaps his weekend in South Carolina including trips to see Republican presidential candidates Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, and businessman Donald Trump, as well as House Speaker Paul Ryan's GOP Poverty Summit.


Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spoke with CBS’ “Face the Nation” about the president’s recent executive actions on gun control and the state of the Republican primary race in an interview that aired January 10, 2016

Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spoke with CBS’ “Face the Nation” about the president’s recent executive actions on gun control and the state of the Republican primary race in an interview that aired Sunday, January 10, 2016.

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